Armchair Activism

Posted on September 29, 2007 By

Activism, true activism -whether political, humanitarian or environmental- comes from a sensitivity to imbalance on the planet. True activism comes from a pure, feeling heart. It is a ‘hurt’ we feel, and it is this empathetic pain which provides the incentive to help others -not according to our own personal beliefs or judgments necessarily, but because some other part of ourself (whether human, animal or the Planet herself) is hurting and needs our help to heal, to be protected or be provided for.

We are the guardians of this Earth and for each other. We are intertwined, we are One; By helping others, we are helping ourselves. By spreading the Light, we all transcend the darkness. It is part of our evolution as a species. Archaic thoughts and conditioned responses of “it’s not my country, not my people, not my responsibility” no longer apply. As part of the human race which inhabits this wonderful Planet, it is our responsibility to share, to heal, to help those who need our help.

And awareness of these issues and opportunities to help the world is growing -has been growing- by leaps and bounds over the last several years. Increased information, increased sensitivity, and the energetic shifts currently underway are responsible. And that’s a good thing! But realistically, running off to Africa to help any number of Causes there is not realistic for most of us. Fortunately there have arisen several ‘armchair activist’ sites which provide food or services to those people or agencies in need.

Money, food or items are donated by the site sponsors whose ads appear on the site, the specific donation amount determined daily by the traffic to the site, counted by how many clicks are made on the buttons found there. Chances are, you’ve seen at least one or two of these forwarded in an email or perhaps run across a button for one or more on another site. This is my reminder that these sites exist and although I can not claim having personally done thorough research into the specifics of the corporations behind the screen so to speak, they may be worth investigating. These are some of the sites:


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  1. Stephanie says:

    Hello again…

    Thank you for inviting me to look around… I just started and read this one… You know the saying, ‘when the student is ready, the master appears’? I have always believed that, i.e., that lessons are all around us ALL the time not only if ONLY we take the time to see but if we are READY to see them… So, I am not too sure about the terms ‘student’ and ‘master’ except in the context that we can all guide one another when we least expect to guide or be guided… but I DO believe that we are all connected somehow, although, even now, as I round the bend to my 50th year, I still have no words to describe HOW it is that I feel this or WHY it is so…

    Anyway, blah blah blah… I just wanted to say thank you for the invitation… Perhaps I shall stay a while and read the words you have used to describe some of your thoughts and feelings and observations… So far, they have been two for two…

    And, yes, I STILL think it is weird! But I am glad for it too!

    Enjoy your day,
    Take good care,

  2. Hello Stephanie,

    It is good to see you once more, and you are quite welcome for the invitation to look around. 🙂 Sometimes it is enough to feel, without knowing ‘why’ or ‘how’. Feeling is the root of compassion, the root of our connection to others of our species and to other sentient beings on the Planet. And yes, it is often helpful to be able to lean on another from time to time for guidance, but ultimately it is a personal journey to learn what may be learned during our time here. And there is a lot of learning going on these days!! I hope you find what it is you seek.

    – OMM

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