Monkey Feathers

Posted on September 26, 2007 By

fallingfeather.pngFeathers, feathers, feathers! Everywhere lately I’ve been seeing feathers! They have been floating all around and Guides keep tickling me with them… I feel them curled on my back yearning to stretch out, wanting to take me on whatever journey lies ahead! Feathers. Everywhere there are feathers – light, fluffy, magical, astral, metaphysical, physical, highly symbolic feathers!

Physically of course, feathers come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, colors, and styles depending on the bird and where on the bird the feather lies. There are the downy feathers of new hatchlings, the protective flank and breast feathers, asymmetrical flight feathers, the strong tail feathers for steering… and they all have a specialized purpose and associated metaphysical meanings. From a shamanic perspective, the downy feathers may indicate continual protection or may have something to do with the gift of empathy, whereas the steering feathers may help you navigate through some part of your life or spiritual development, while other feathers may indicate a connection to creativity, imagination or intuition. All feathers traditionally indicate a “lifting up” of a sorts, the particular type or area affected depends greatly on the bird, the feather, and your own study and interpretation of each.

Feathers are traditionally a symbol of spiritual ascension and evolution to a higher spiritual plane. Birds, seemingly free in their ability to travel between the realms of earth and sky have long been believed to be the messengers or communicators from the Earth plane to the higher realms. Numerous traditions and indigenous cultures have used feathers to symbolize or invoke communication with or transcendence to the realm of the sky Gods. Feathers are the symbols of balance and of the wind. They may also signify a more literal interpretation such as “lighten up”… or represent any number of other more traditional meanings, including:

  • The Egyptian Feather of Ma’at represents truth, justice, morality and balance. This goddess would weigh the souls of the newly departed against that of a feather to determine the value of their soul…
  • Native American cultures consider the feather a universal symbol of spirit and flight
  • According to European heraldry, feathers signify willing obedience and serenity of mind
  • Christianity attributes a group of three feathers to the virtues of charity, hope, and faith
  • Greek mythology has Icarus attaching wings made of feathers and wax, melted by his flight too close to the sun…
  • Hawk feathers may be used to identify disease when used by skilled healers
  • Eagle feathers are greatly revered by Native Americans and often thought to represent great happiness and peace
  • Swan feathers are often used to attract new energy, to cleanse and to purify…
  • …and many more.

But as is true for so much of a metaphysical life, the meanings of things depend greatly on your personal interpretation of them. On this level, and especially since these feathers are largely astral and not physical, it is a message of Light and Love and Peace. It is beauty, release, freedom, Unity, Love, Compassion and a dissolution of a kind… it is Evolution. And for those messages, those reminders of evolution, I am thankful.


* feather image courtesy of DHD Multimedia Gallery, resized & tweaked by me.

Evolution to LightMonkey business

  1. Stephanie says:


    Sorry if there is a half-finished entry just before this one… My computer froze and then I found myself at the previous page, so I shall try again…

    I have been seeing feathers for a few weeks now and feel compelled to pick them up and wipe them clean and treat them with care. I finally just got around to googling ‘seeing feathers everywhere’ just to see what I would get and your blog entry here was my first hit…

    In reading it, it felt oddly right – in sync with how I feel…

    Isn’t that weird?

    Anyway, thanks for posting this.

    Take care.

  2. Hello Stephanie,

    Not weird at all, actually. There is a certain synchronicity in the world and an uplifting of our spirits these days. It is wonderful that you have been compelled to pick up the feathers and to treat them with care! What are the messages they bring? Listen, and they will tell you.

    I am glad to have been of service to you on your Path and hope to see you here again. 🙂

    – OMM

  3. Liara Covert says:

    I enjoy your reflections. Like you, I marvel at the feathers that I mysteriously find on my path. Lately, the angels have been more playful with me, since they leave me unusual marbles in my garden as well. Maybe it was fairies?I wrote about while feathers on my blog as well:

  4. Marbles? Hmmm… interesting!! I’m curious as to your perspective on the feathers that have been coming to you lately! I’m not sure what to think of the marbles though…

  5. DERICK says:

    i have just come across your blog—inspiring.
    the most amazing thing is that you have just reminded me that feathers have been a constant in my life for the last 20 odd years.
    at times i have actively sought them and other times they have arrived as blessings on the wind.
    i have had the situation more than once where i look up and the feather gently floats into my hand.
    thanks for all those flashbacks–it just put them all in perspective with the timeline of what was happening in my life at those various times.

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