Where, Oh Where has the Monkey gone?

Posted on June 10, 2009 By

This Monkey has not been terribly Mystical lately, and has been living and being distracted by the physical life – overwhelmed by our (U.S.) political situation and been utterly astounded to see the rearing and roaring head of Socialism in what is… was… is supposed to be the seat of Freedom and Independence. Yes, politics has taken the Mystical Monkey away from this blog, for what role does politics play in the sharing of the Light and ultimate evolution of humanity? Well, not much. Or does it?

I have been contemplating that question a lot the last several months,
and have, quite honestly, been a bit leery to post my perspective on the current political situation here, as doing so seems contrary to the chosen topic for this blog-space. However, since we are all on this plane and on this planet by choice, and with that choice comes a certain responsibility to interact with this planet, the people, and the physicality that it offers (including politics), it seems a topic that is appropriate after all… as part of the Path, as part of our learning process and part of the human condition. So what does politics and Light have to do with each other? A lot.

One could say that in a world that is increasingly morally and ethically lost, where individual irresponsibility has few repercussions and the over-stuffed, far-reaching, extensive U.S. federal government is little more than a self-appointed babysitter to all humanity (What does that say about the philosophy and goals of those in seats of governmental power, if they see us as children, needing a perpetual parent?!), it is up to those of us with the insight and self-awareness to provide a light for others to follow… to help others find their way, much in the way of the boddhisatva’s vow. This is a time for those who question everything in their attempt to seek the Truth to shine and to share the questions and the Light they have discovered with all of humanity if we are to evolve to our highest potential.

As such, the Monkey is returning to the blog-o-sphere… perhaps not to post daily (RL obligations may not permit that), but much more regularly than has been the case over the last few months. And no, not all of my posts will be politically charged. It is still the goal of this blog to bring the Light, share the Love with all those who find their way here, and to support humanity’s true evolution.

It is good to see you all again, my friends and fellow Light-Workers!
En Lakā€™eck


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