Lab Rat

Posted on August 14, 2007 By

Hello again! Yes, I’m still here. And yes, I kinda took a break over the last few days. On what was pretty much a whim, I decided to hang a “do not disturb” sign on my metaphysical self (at least to the degree any of us really can) and consciously chose to be more physical for a couple days. Doing so has confirmed to every ounce of my being that I’m “over it” – that there is more to life than hanging around in the physical, being frivolous on the computer, watching television and doing those things I generally don’t do much of. It doesn’t feel right. It is shallow and self-centered and … pointless, really. Well, pointless except in the “last lesson of this nature” kind of way.

The ironic thing is that by taking this kind of a break, I’ve actually been able to “connect a couple more dots” of the big connect-the-dot puzzle of this incarnation -making associations between things that I hadn’t realized were connected before now… bits of my background, beliefs and experiences that had been haunting me, but to which the solution had been elusive. But I’m on to them now – so those one or two old habits and deep-set structures will soon be going “bye bye” once and for all – and won’t that be nice? The full picture is becoming more clear every day, with every experiment I conduct on myself. Yes, I feel like a lab rat. But isn’t that what life is about, when you get right down to it? Experimenting, experiencing, questioning and determining what your reality is… and evolving it and yourself along the Way?



  1. Paul Martin says:

    I’ve found that certain periods of my life were more “in ferment” this way than others. For me, my late twenties was a period where I found myself setting aside certain things that were unproductive and that were losing their hold on me. My thirties felt more like “hitting my stride” – still in process, but “the way was easy and my burden light” so to speak…

  2. Paul, thank you for the comment. Yes, I agree whole-heartedly… each time we go through one of these iterations shows us a new depth to ourselves and our Spirit, a new appreciation for our past and our experiences and each time provides us with a few more connections to make and gives us the encouragement to evolve to our next stage.


  3. […] a week ago, I consciously chose the challenge of becoming a ‘Lab Rat’ in the world of the physical once more. This intentional break from the metaphysical has proven to […]

  4. Nancy says:

    I just wanted you to know that I have read this post before…
    …do you know what I mean? 🙂
    Deja vue but with me when this happens in this way it means that both of us are in for some BIG changes.

    I did read your posts bofore this one..catching up so I know that you’re doing some changing already.

    Just to let you know that spirit says hold on to your hat? nose? maybe even brain lol because major things are coming your way.
    I get good feelings about this:) and understand that even if it’s a little rocky for you, you’re coming out on the brighter winning side for all of your efforts and spiritual diligence.

    …sometimes it’s the journey not the destination that counts… to quote a friend that you seem to have some psychic connection to 🙂
    and that’s a giant complement from me! 🙂


  5. LOL and thank you very much, Nancy. There is another step (more like 2 or 3) before me – I’ve been looking at it for a little while now… my time hesitating on the edge is just about over. Namaste!

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