What’s the point…

Posted on August 31, 2007 By

It seems the universe has been conspiring again! Several years ago it saw it necessary to relocate me halfway across the country to an area very close where there is located a metaphysical college. So what is somebody on the Path going to do, after a couple good nudges in the direction of the college? Take a course, of course!

The course I chose is a fundamental, basic examination of some of those deep-seated societal and personal belief systems that affect our perspectives on the world- no matter how long we may have been on the metaphysical path. The coursework asks us to investigate things like whether, on some level, we still subscribe to the idea that Man is originally faulted and is therefor an imperfect expression of God (Goddess, the Universe, Nirvana, etc.), and thus separated from God. It asks the questions of whether there have been experiences in our past – something somebody said or did that imprinted their beliefs on us or caused us to conclude a mistaken belief about ourselves – which we still carry, affecting our interactions with the world.

It’s a good course – really! But it’s been difficult for me to shake the idea of “been there, done that”. *Sigh* Yes, ego. Ego in all it’s self-justifying glory! And beyond ego rearing its head, I’m also discovering a degree of internal rebellion at looking at the things suggested in the coursework that I just haven’t seen in a while. It’s a bit of a shock. So what does this tell me? What’s the point?

Well, it tells me that I’d better get over this bit of ego and take a good long look at the cause for it. It says that I’ve been lack in my disciplines and that it’s time to remedy that. It says, that no matter how often or how thoroughly one may have evaluated a certain topic or truth that we might want to revisit it from time to time… to find a deeper seed of an old paradigm that has not yet been completely rooted out, or to make connections to and between things that we weren’t ready to do before right now. It is a reminder that the self-evaluation metaphysical process is an ongoing, constant process, requiring levels of self-honesty and diligence not often found or encouraged in our society. It is a reminder of discipline and dedication. It is a reminder of the priorities.

And the point? Well, the point is that there are always things to explore, parts of yourself to analyze and habitual patterns to identify if one is truly to be free. The point is… well, the point is that walking the Path is the point.



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