
Posted on September 6, 2016 By

Patience – is knowing that what somebody else does or says does not have to affect you in any way. It is a level of detachment from others’ emotions and experiences that creates a certain “resting space” in your own serenity and sense of self. It is knowing that all things have their lessons to…


Posted on September 5, 2016 By

You are already perfect. You are here, on this plane, to experience your perfection in a different environment than that to which you are naturally accustomed and acclimated. That is all. This physical Earth environment is simply a different experience, and does not limit or hinder or otherwise restrain your inherent perfection or the strength…

authentic evolution

Posted on August 23, 2016 By

Silly humans… don’t you realize yet that you can’t evolve through coercion or with agendas of any kind? Don’t you realize that true evolution will only happen as an authentic expression of ourselves and our true light… without ego, but with a genuine, sincere (ego-less) morality and ethics… ?

Just because…

Posted on July 27, 2016 By

Just because… I believe in things such as independence, equality, love, and peace, and you somehow know or assume this, does not make me an automatic, passive, or accepting target for your aggression, violence, hatred, rudeness or inconsideration. Just because… I believe in and try to live by my principles and ethics daily, in every…

Universal Timing

Posted on July 23, 2016 By

There is a sense of “Universal Timing” in this world… a sense of things falling exactly in to place, in exactly the right time, and with exactly the right circumstances. It is a sense that everything is “just right” and that everything truly is exactly where -and how- it needs to be. It is a…


Posted on July 20, 2016 By

We are all connected. This is a common-enough sentiment, echoed throughout the ages within different cultures, religions, thoughts, practices, ideologies, etc. We readily admit that there exist connections between parent and child, family and community, region, nationality, and the World. There are connections of friendship, connections of love, there are philosophical and intellectual bonds, and…

Waking (the F*) Up

Posted on July 18, 2016 By

All the pain and chaos and blatant violence that the world is experiencing these days is unnerving and disconcerting on a personal level to be sure… but it’s also serving a couple of “Higher Agendas”… things that are easy to overlook, but things that we, as part of the “Fairly Aware”, should keep in mind…

Wake the F*** UP!

Posted on July 17, 2016 By

Ok, people… I don’t usually do this, but please, for all our sakes… WAKE THE F*** UP and stop the violence and the hatred! You’re acting like complete asses… and here’s a shocker – The world does not need more egotistical assholes. The World does not need people who are only interested in satisfying their…

A reminder of “Now”

Posted on June 30, 2016 By

Today, I am reminded to be in the moment. I am reminded of mindfulness, of presence, of awareness in and of the moment-to-moment reality of our existence. Today, I am reminded of the moment-to-moment reality of our lives. This moment –this one right here, right now!– is the only one that truly exists. All other…

Do you see the Reality?

Posted on June 18, 2016 By

Shootings, rapists, abuse, attacks, and violence of all kinds. It’s everywhere, and many people are understandably scared, frustrated, saddened, outraged, and experiencing a myriad of other emotions and reactions to any of the all-too-common societal traumas that are making the headlines. These reactions are understandable – we are thinking, feeling beings after all, and we…