
Posted on December 23, 2015 By

Humanity’s understanding of the Universe is completely backwards. The prioritization of money and power and control instead of doing things from a truly ethical standpoint is just wrong. It’s backwards. Not only is it anti-developmental for the species and of the planet, it’s just plain destructive. It goes against the true nature of humanity (which is Love and Connection), and anyone who claims higher moral ground and the need to enforce morality on the masses is lying to themselves. The majority of humanity actually leans towards community and compassion for each other – not for power or control, but because it is ethically the right thing to do, and on a deep, deep level, we all know this to be the case.

Humanity has the capacity to evolve on its own, without coercion. But in order for the world to follow that path, we must shift the cultural model of life and living away from the power and control and money and war that have taken over our lives and understanding of the Universal Laws, and we must shift towards independence and Spirit and safety and peace. We must. And we can. We already are making progress, and we will continue to progress.

Evolution to Light


Posted on December 22, 2015 By

How does one continue spiritual development and maintain spiritual awareness while also maintaining a connection to the physical world and meeting its daily demands? You let go of any preconceived or conditioned notions of physical expectation and you train yourself to be forever in the moment, forever and always in communication with Spirit. You trust -or rather, you know – that the physical is taken care of… because it is taken care of.

In focusing on each moment, you begin to see the spaces between the moments. You begin to see the connection of each moment to the next through these spaces, and you begin to recognize that the physical is in each moment. In these spaces, and within these connections, you find the All. And within this All, nothing is lost… but all is gained.

It begins with a moment.

It continues to the next moment. And then to the next.

It ends as ONE.

… but it begins with a single moment.


Evolution to Light

Growing up

Posted on December 10, 2015 By

Growing up … and growing old… has less to do with the (assumed) accumulation of responsibility and more to do with the lessened opportunity -and ability!- to daydream.

To daydream is (very often, but not always) to connect to inner wisdom… to connect to your higher self. It is an opportunity to connect to the knowledge that permeates all physical reality. It is the ability to brush up against the true reality of Life and Living and the interconnectedness we share as One.

Be like a child.

Live in the Moment.

Don’t over-analyze.

Enjoy your life. Every moment of it!!



Stuck in Physicality

Posted on December 3, 2015 By

Stuck in Physicality. The state of being where everything seems physically-based and physically-oriented. The state of going through life without any apparent time to meditate or pray, to write or think, or do much of anything else other than attend to the physical demands of life on Earth. It’s the state of existence where all actions and all thoughts are focused on the physical, the mundane, the physically necessary. It’s the state of “busy” that’s all about DOing, instead of BEing.

This can be a really tough place to be for those of us who are metaphysically sensitive and/or aware of existence outside of the physical. But the physical world is where I’ve been the last several days, and I’m not really sure why or how it happened. Evidently, my Mindfulness practice is lacking! So it’s time to regroup, to prioritize some “quiet time” to sit and meditate… to think and to BE. (And so it will be.)

At least my cycles of physicality seem to be limited to short periods of time. For many people it’s their daily existence; a way of life. Truly, it’s an epidemic of this modern civilized world. Yes, there are times when we must focus on the physical aspects of our lives. We are on Earth, and physicality is one of the dominant traits of being here. But being so focused on the physical -to the exclusion of all else- is not healthy for any of us. It can be exhausting to “go, go, go!” without regular opportunities to reconnect to Spirit (without falling asleep)… and without an already established, iron-clad practice of Mindfulness upon which to rely during these periods, the state of “physically busy” doesn’t provide us the opportunity to think, to examine, to evaluate, or even to be aware of the details of life. Without some time for introspection, we learn nothing and nothing changes, yet life goes on and we’re barely aware of its passing. So much for actually living this life on Earth!

So, take care of the physical, but also take care of the metaphysical. Be aware of “physicality” and “busy” and don’t let it rule your experience here. In the meantime, if it’s not already in your skills, consider adding Mindfulness to the toolkit!



So many things

Posted on November 23, 2015 By

So many things have been running through my field of awareness the last several days that it has been difficult to settle upon one upon which to focus and write! So please accept my apologies for the apparent lapse in writing… things are just “jelling” at the moment, and I’m sure that when the timing is right, there will be much posting to be had!

In the meantime, some of the things running through my head include definitions of the world and the limitations those definitions place upon everyone… ego and our interconnectedness, the nature of thought and the directness of being, and of reality… the nature of energy itself, the nature of life on this planet, various ideas in and about this new world we’re creating, non-physical beings being physical, the nature of reality, ego and its manifestations, various and multi-layered truths about our world, multidimensionality and what that means, the way we see things, what we see, how we interpret our experiences here and what we do with it all, the way humanity is changing, what yet needs to be done, the various levels of understanding and of being and of … everything.

My mind is in a whirl! And as soon as it jells into something coherent there will be posts to read! So, I humbly ask for your patience as I process through these things.




Posted on November 19, 2015 By


Merriam-Webster (Merriam-Webster online dictionary) defines physicality as…

intensely physical orientation : predominance of the physical usually at the expense of the mental, spiritual, or social


This definition is certainly appropriate, but because this world is based on -and thoroughly steeped in- physicality, this definition is also rather simplistic from a metaphysical perspective.

So let’s think about this for a moment.

We are physical beings, on a physical plane, with cultures and belief structures that emphasize the physical.

Yet from a metaphysical perspective, we are so very much more than mere physical beings. The truth is that we are multi-dimensional beings of Energy and Light and Love, and our experiences on this physical plane are an extremely minor and temporary part of who and what we are. But here we are, at least for the time being. And as long as we are on this plane, we are bound to our physicality.

Exploring, developing, and/or remembering our nonphysical aspects in a world that is not only deeply physical by its nature but which also seems to go to great lengths to enforce the physical into our psyches and fields of awareness … well, it can be tough being a semi-aware multi-dimensional being on this planet!

So what do we do? We change our deepest-set beliefs.

First we acknowledge that we are more than physical beings. Then we stop our continued belief in this existence as the one and only reality. We stop reinforcing these limited -and limiting- ideas with our belief and attention.

Now, don’t get me wrong… we definitely have a physical component during our time on this planet, and our physicality doesn’t disappear because we stop giving it all our attention. Furthermore, we should give our physical nature some attention so that it can serve us better, in better health, during our time here. But, if we can find the mental strength to buck the cultural beliefs and conditioning of our societies and we can then acknowledge more than our physicality as reality, we stop reinforcing physicality as the only level of being. If we do this, our mind starts to expand, and True Reality becomes possible. We begin to change. We begin to see beyond the thin veneer of this physical world. Our heart opens. Our mind opens. Our compassion grows, as does our understanding. And we live. We truly and fully live life here, in each moment, knowing that although we might be in this physical reality, we are not of it.

And that can make a huge difference in our experiences here – both for ourselves, and for humanity as a whole.

*~* Namaste *~*


Time to get out of our own way

Posted on November 17, 2015 By

There’s so much anger, so much hate, so much mind-boggling elemental fear, so much uncertainty and insecurity and unrest in the world right now. It breaks my heart. There’s no reason for it. Absolutely NONE.

Complicating world events and attitudes even further, politics, economics, pride and (very much mistaken, yet very well-established) ideologies jump in to the mix and then add to the confusion, to the chaos… and they add to the fear and to the pain. Do you feel it? Do you feel the levels and layers of complications that are completely and thoroughly unnecessary but exist simply because we, as a species, still refuse to acknowledge we are One?

Perhaps we still believe the Lies of Reality that we’ve been conditioned to believe; We continue to believe that somehow, the current systems that have gotten us to this point of chaos and fear can suddenly reverse direction…? The truth of the matter is that our cultures and our societies, our continued beliefs in the archaic, outdated, outmoded, neanderthal systems of government, of politics, of religion, of living and of life are getting in the way of doing what is right. We are getting in our own way.

Our egos, and our fear of the unknown… of change… is getting in the way. We are getting in the way of our own growth and development as a species, as a planet, and as a people.

And it’s time to change.

We are capable of so much more than this!

Aren’t we beyond these outdated belief systems yet?

Aren’t we beyond living from a fear-based perspective?

We should be.

(edited Nov.19,2015)

Evolution to LightPolitics

Sri Yantra

Posted on November 15, 2015 By

The Sri Yantra is one of my all-time favorites, and given my distraction with the physical world the last few days, it seemed like a good thing to share…

May Spirit, Blessings, and Abundance be with you all!


Why we sit…

Posted on November 9, 2015 By

Today -right now, this moment- I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to deal with the intricacies of daily life, don’t want to deal with the daily strife, the details, the complications. I’m tired of dealing with others’ egos and frustrations and expectations and needs, and I’m tired trying to manage all of it according to the rules of our existing societal structures when I know –deeply and thoroughly *know*– that other “rules” are the Truth, and this experience is just the merest glimmer of Reality, shrouded in Illusion.

Still, I want to be somewhere else. Still, I want to be “home”, unbothered, unbound, uncomplicated, United. Whole. Complete.

Yet, despite the temporary frustration of dealing with the details of this plane, I know that I am United, Whole, Complete and Uncomplicated. I know that I am One. I am Whole. I know that all of this… all these details and intricacies and egos and frustrations and joys and celebrations and triumphs… is part of the One, in its glorious manifestation on this planet. These are the thoughts that runs through my head like a mantra today. These are the thoughts to which I return time and time again today. These are the thoughts that give me strength and perspective today, despite the obstacles, and despite the frustrations. Because I know better than to believe the illusions of this realm, of this experience. I know better than to believe the egos and manufactured details of others’ experiences and expectations and frustrations. I know better.

Sometimes, though, that doesn’t make dealing with the realities of this experience much easier. Perhaps, it is even harder, simply because I *know* that there is another, deeper, Reality…

But here we are, in this reality, bound -at least to some degree- to its rules and expectations.

And so I remind myself of some of these Ultimate Truths, reciting them like a mantra, if that is what I need to do.

And this is why I go to my zafu and still my mind in meditation. And this is why I remember…



A Spot of Nothing

Posted on November 6, 2015 By

We are all One. All of us on the planet. Everything in the Universe. Everything beyond what we humans think we know. The daily squabbles we find ourselves in, the wars we fight, the power plays and ego and control, the inhumanity that we exhibit towards each other all too often… all this is absolutely counter to the Light that Permeates All. These things are not Light. These things are not Truth. These things are not the essence of Life on this Planet, or of BEing. All these things –and many more!– run completely counter to the Light that is All, that is Truth. It’s time we remember the Light. It’s time we Act on the Knowledge that we are One. Remember your humility and your compassion, and your perspective about your role on the planet and within the Universe. You are a speck of dust. You are an entire Universe. You are so very much more than any of these things, and you are certainly so very, very, very much more than the daily squabbles for ego, control, judgment, etc., that we find ourselves dealing with on a daily basis. Remember the Light. Always.

