Aaaah… I have been tagged again and added to “Priscilla Palmer’s Outstanding Personal Development List“. It is with great honor that I accept this addition to what is quite a lengthy list of personal development blogs and bloggers!
Pricilla Palmer’s original blog entry says
Personal development is a large topic that includes but is not limited to (law of attraction, goals, time management, physical fitness, education, motivation, inspiration, and social skills). This list should include any blog you feel can benefit us in our growth process.
She suggests that those of us named should in turn name others for inclusion in the Outstanding Personal Development List, and so I am happy to add…
- Joel at Fearless Dreams: “Tools and Inspiration to find and live the greatness within you.”
- Ordinary Mystic at The Ordinary Mystic: “Finding Happiness Through Surrender”
- Spiritlifter at Intentional Abundance: “…The Law Of Attraction and how to use it to create abundance in all areas of your life.”
- RivKaz at Waterlearner: “If I can choose the way to live my life, I hope to live with Awareness.”
The full, up-to-date list is available in a new pop-up window on OneMysticalMonkey, for those of you who would like to see it.
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Thank you for supporting and adding to The Personal Development List. I truly appreciate your efforts.
Thanks for remembering my humble site! I really appreciate it!
Blessings to you!
Wow, thank you so very much!! This is the first list anyone has put my new blog on and you have absolutely made my day!
Thank you!
[…] PPOPDB List Posted on September 19, 2007 by spiritlifter I woke up this morning to my very first “tag” and added to “Priscilla Palmer’s Outstanding Personal Development List“ by One Mystical Monkey […]
Thank you all for coming by!
> Pricilla: Thank you for starting such a wonderful list! I am glad to be named among the numerous personal development bloggers there.
> Waterlearner: You are quite welcome. You have such wonderful insights; Many gain inspiration from your words and contemplations.
> Spiritlifter: I am honored to be the first of what is very likely to be many such honors for your new site, and glad to have shown some light on your day!
Thank you for adding me to this great list.