
Posted on March 13, 2008 By

What qualifies a person or personality as “normal” these days? Well, like most things it’s highly subjective and based around the opinions and judgments of others, according to various things which have influenced them. There are cultural and societal influences – the issues of cultural taboos between aspects of society, religious beliefs, levels of education, etc.

But in a culture where up to 20% of school-age kids are medicated to keep them docile and under control for long intervals of boring lectures and academics instead of running around personally experiencing the world around them… where most individuals (adults and children alike) are chronically sleep deprived… 9.5% are clinically depressed during any given one-year period… 31% of Americans are technically obese… we are conditioned to be constant consumers -mere followers of pointless fads… ‘educated’ to pass the required tests, to regurgitate the appropriate rhetoric and largely useless information on cue (instead of asking questions and positioning ourselves as clear-thinking leaders in society)… war and violence surrounds us on a multitude of levels… the ‘news’ is highly biased… and we’re force-fed our beliefs and morals by the media to which we’re addicted… the definition of “normal human” seemed awfully skewed to me.

But thinking about ‘normalcy’ in America (and the World) lately has brought some rather disturbing thoughts to mind… thoughts which I’ve wrestled with for a while now and thoughts which, I’ve realized, need to be voiced. These are thoughts which, although not purely spiritual in nature are part of our overall awakening -for part of our evolution is physical and involves the “here and now” in ways beyond personal mindfulness and responsibility. Part of our evolution as a species includes examining those illusions away from which we’ve shied and at least considering that what we’ve been taught (on some very basic levels) may not actually be true. It is taking the glasses off, so to speak, and really seeing what’s going on in our world… then taking the gloves off and doing something about it.

This evolutionary shift is about breaking the illusions which bind, communicating and sharing with each other on levels that just don’t seem to happen any more – levels of honesty, and trust, confidence and heart-felt communication. It is about communication, brainstorming, community, and developing better paradigms than those which have been in place for so long now. It is about being willing to shatter our illusions, knowing we’re not alone while we’re doing it, and then being willing to pick up the pieces with our hands, our heads, and most importantly of all, our hearts. Without our hearts to guide us truly on this path forward, nothing changes after the pieces are swept up – and things need to change. We need to change. Time for our evolution is here…

Will you come with me?


  1. Sometimes, people use the word normal to mean that someone is able to relate to others in a healthy way, to build relationships, and contribute to the community. I don’t necessarily have a problem with that usage of the word, but it often becomes an attack on those who are testing the bounds of human potential.

    And, the use of the word normal is typically focused on the accepted way of doing something, the average way of doing something. It’s about following along. To a great extent, it’s about mediocrity.

    Even if good habits and practices were common in our world, each of us can do better than normal.

    Why should a person aspire to be like everyone else, rather than to explore the unique light that shines in her heart, and find her own personal greatness?


  2. Greetings Joel. Well said!!

    It is a shame that ‘exceptional’ and ‘unique’ are often perceived as frightening within our cultures and by extension, within ourselves!

    The culturally defined normalcy is only ‘normal’ on certain levels, though… just because something is an acceptable way of doing something does not make it the best or right way of doing a thing or of interacting with each other, and ‘normal’ usually has a hidden cost associated with it. For example, it’s normal for many people to spend time in front of the television – but at the expense of family interactions. It’s normal to live in a house with electricity and plumbing… for which we trade a certain interaction with and appreciation for our environment.

    ‘Normal’ is so narrowly defined by our cultures… It is an unfortunate (and artificial) stopping-point on our growth as a species…

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