Ancient Reminder
Know ye, O man, ye are only a spirit. The body is nothing. The Soul is ALL. Let not your body be a fetter. Cast off the darkness and travel in Light. Cast off your body, O man, and be free, truly a Light that is ONE with the Light. The Emerald Tablets of Thoth,…
gentle shaking
“My optimism rests on my belief in the infinite possibilities of the individual to develop nonviolence. . . . In a gentle way you can shake the world.” -Ghandi
Change of Heart…
… Change of Pace ……. Change ………… or No Change? Several comments have been made to me recently about the apparent change of direction for this blog, and it is something I’ve wrestled with for a while. Yes, many of my more recent posts have had a political slant to them which is highly unusual…
Philosophy of Liberty
The 4th of July – the celebration of American Independence from the taxes, government and overall tyranny of England. Or at least that’s what the American history books would like us to believe. Two hundred years later however, and we seem to have taken that initial tyranny to whole new levels of abuse and scale,…
It’s not very Buddhist, not very New-Age, Metaphysical or anything of the sort… and it’s certainly not a very detached perspective on the world, but I despise politics. I utterly despise them. I always have.