U2: One
I’m recovering from the holiday weekend, playing catch up on things that simply didn’t get done (we went to the beach instead), and although I’m not entirely sure of the symbolism in the video, I like the overall message. And a little rock n’ roll is a good thing on a post-holiday Tuesday! 😉
What’s the point…
It seems the universe has been conspiring again! Several years ago it saw it necessary to relocate me halfway across the country to an area very close where there is located a metaphysical college. So what is somebody on the Path going to do, after a couple good nudges in the direction of the college?…
Sri Yantra
A yantra is an object or tool used for and with meditation practice to help improve focus and aid progression to deeper levels of meditation and spiritual understanding. Yantras represent the cosmos metaphysically or symbolically, and each one has its own specific focus or intent – perhaps that of a particular God(dess), state of consciousness,…
Mountain Gorillas
ONE. We are one. Our peoples, our nations, our various species and all aspects of nature are ONE!! And although there are lessons to be had regardless of apparent atrocities in the world, it still breaks my heart to see or hear of some (who genetically pass for human) committing acts so horrendous as to…
5 Things for which I am grateful…
I’ve been tagged… with a wonderful Meme by Trish at Breathing. She challenged me, and everyone, to write a list of 5 things for which we are grateful. She suggests that if you blog to post your 5 things on the blog, and if you are not a blogger then to write your five things…
Natural Touch
How many of us live our daily lives surrounded by the constant motion and ceaseless chasing that seems to be such a necessity in this day and age? Whether running the kids to and from their activities, doing errands all across town, attending business meetings and dealing with interoffice politics, or any number of other…
Growth Spurt
For a good part of the day, I’ve been thinking of topics about which to write and reviewing the rather extensive list of things that are currently half-written, trying to determine whether (and how) to finish any of them to post… and for some reason, none of them seem appropriate. So this is a bit…
Temporary Plateaus
It’s easy to take the low Path – it’s all downhill (or at least it’s flat and easy to walk)! But what of the Path that climbs and reaches for the mountain’s summit? Requiring dedication and stamina and perseverance, it’s not always the easiest route to take. It often taxes body, soul, and mind, proving…
Lab Rat (2)
About a week ago, I consciously chose the challenge of becoming a ‘Lab Rat’ in the world of the physical once more. This intentional break from the metaphysical has proven to be more of a learning experience than I had ever anticipated, for with that break several things were confirmed: