Know these things…
As a Lightworker, as a Spiritual Being, as somebody on the Path to Understanding, as a Being on this Planet, as whomever you are and however you self-identify… what would I have you know? First, I would have you know … truly and deeply know… that You are Loved. Unconditionally. Completely. Thoroughly. You are loved…
Just because…
Just because… I believe in things such as independence, equality, love, and peace, and you somehow know or assume this, does not make me an automatic, passive, or accepting target for your aggression, violence, hatred, rudeness or inconsideration. Just because… I believe in and try to live by my principles and ethics daily, in every…
We are all connected. This is a common-enough sentiment, echoed throughout the ages within different cultures, religions, thoughts, practices, ideologies, etc. We readily admit that there exist connections between parent and child, family and community, region, nationality, and the World. There are connections of friendship, connections of love, there are philosophical and intellectual bonds, and…
Nourish 2
There are no excuses. There is no history, no patterns of behavior to overcome, there are no reasons not to treat yourself well and to nourish your soul. Listen to your inner guidance. What is it that you need right now? What is it that makes your heart and soul soar? Do it. Even if…
Curve-balls (2)
So life throws you a curve-ball. You do your best to react with curiosity, with gratitude, to learn from it, to “flow with it” and see where the next step of the Path lies. So you realize that these unexpected turns of events are opportunities for learning and personal growth – good for you! But…
Curve-balls (1)
Sometimes it seems that this physical life decides to throw us a random “curve-ball” with which to contend. When faced with these curve-balls, our personal world seems to stop for short period of time. Suddenly, everything changes, and we are faced with the decision of how to react and what we do with the experience….
*A challenge to shine!*
Today, I challenge you to shine! Let’s be honest here… how many of us are at least a little bit hesitant -or even downright afraid- to let the full glory of our inner light shine out to the world? I’m not asking you about the little pieces of Light that show when you’re happy, meditating/praying…
Just not feeling it
I’m just not feeling it today. Today, my heart is mostly closed, my thoughts and emotions are a bit unruly, my focus is off, my connection to Spirit is … ignored (it’s probably the best word to use right now). Through recent events in my physical microcosm, I find myself disappointed in humanity today. It…
Stuck in Physicality
Stuck in Physicality. The state of being where everything seems physically-based and physically-oriented. The state of going through life without any apparent time to meditate or pray, to write or think, or do much of anything else other than attend to the physical demands of life on Earth. It’s the state of existence where all…
So many things
So many things have been running through my field of awareness the last several days that it has been difficult to settle upon one upon which to focus and write! So please accept my apologies for the apparent lapse in writing… things are just “jelling” at the moment, and I’m sure that when the timing…