Light in the (apparent) Darkness
Today is a day to remember that Light shines brightly, regardless of its surroundings, but sometimes, a little “dark” can show us just how bright that Light can be! Today, the world has changed. And although it might initially look more than a little bleak, remember that this is really an opportunity to dredge up…
Waking (the F*) Up
All the pain and chaos and blatant violence that the world is experiencing these days is unnerving and disconcerting on a personal level to be sure… but it’s also serving a couple of “Higher Agendas”… things that are easy to overlook, but things that we, as part of the “Fairly Aware”, should keep in mind…
Wake the F*** UP!
Ok, people… I don’t usually do this, but please, for all our sakes… WAKE THE F*** UP and stop the violence and the hatred! You’re acting like complete asses… and here’s a shocker – The world does not need more egotistical assholes. The World does not need people who are only interested in satisfying their…
Time to get out of our own way
There’s so much anger, so much hate, so much mind-boggling elemental fear, so much uncertainty and insecurity and unrest in the world right now. It breaks my heart. There’s no reason for it. Absolutely NONE. Complicating world events and attitudes even further, politics, economics, pride and (very much mistaken, yet very well-established) ideologies jump in…
Healthcare reality
… cartoon by Michael Ramirez, from TownHall.com Obama’s speech last night was little other than lies and misinformation, artificial connections of “data points” with no basis in reality, used to push his agenda to push Universal Healthcare through. He basically said that if you’re not willing to talk to him about forwarding this agenda, that…
Manifesting Utopia: Thinking it Through
Many of us envision -or have visioned- a “perfect” world, where society works smoothly and harmoniously with Nature and with all of mankind, where no gender or racial or social differences impact the quality of any of our lives. We envision a world without fear, coercion, inequality, hatred, violence, hunger, sickness, indifference, or any other…
Health Care Bills TEXT
For those of you still doubting the concerns and validity of some of the dissenting voices about the “Health care” Bills now being considered by both the House and the Senate, please read the following: New York Post, O’S BROKEN PROMISES, HEALTH BILLS V. PREZ’S WORDS Text of H.R.3200 (Health Care Bill) as Introduced in…
U.S. National Healthcare?
National Healthcare is big on the media and Presidential coercion blitz circuit these days, but is it a good idea? In an idealistic world, perhaps, but although we are evolving every day, this is not an evolved place just yet. Instead, it is a world still riddled with politics and coercion and fear and manipulation…
Means and Ends
In my last post, I stated that the U.S. Federal Government seems to see itself as some kind of babysitter for all mankind. What I didn’t mention was that in order to secure this role for current and future generations, it is currently quite busy making power grabs in just about all aspects of our…
Presidential ’08s?
With a presidential election underway now in the United States, there’s been a whole lot of talk, debate, accusations, implications, assumptions, coercion, and wrangling of all sorts going on lately.