Nudges & Ponderings

Gentle ponderings on our behaviors & actions.

Take a moment…

Media and Politics and Ego are breeding Division and Hatred among us, and are feeding even more Fear and Uncertainty across the World (and certainly throughout our country (U.S.) – particularly with and through the upcoming Presidential election). Many of us are feeling overwhelmed, apprehensive, and impotent to change much of anything. But we have…


Laughter –genuine happy laughter– is said to be good for the soul. And this is absolutely the case, but there’s also more to it than that. Laughter is not just good for the soul… Laughter *is* the Soul, expressing its most basic essence in an audible form! It is our true nature to be happy…


Thought for the day: “Serenity… the practice of holding peace in your mind and in your heart, despite the circumstances of the given moment.”

A reminder of “Now”

Today, I am reminded to be in the moment. I am reminded of mindfulness, of presence, of awareness in and of the moment-to-moment reality of our existence. Today, I am reminded of the moment-to-moment reality of our lives. This moment –this one right here, right now!– is the only one that truly exists. All other…

The Temple(s)

It’s commonly said that the Body is the Temple. But the Mind is also a Temple. Although this seems like a contradictory thought, it’s not. The implied contradiction is just another example of the Myth of separation. The reality is that it is the combination of both the mind and the body that are the…

a Day to just BE

Today has been a day to just BE. Some days are just like that. Other days are definitely not. But today was. Today’s essence was obvious. It was not without strife or opposition by any means. In fact, the day seemed to have been interspersed with more than the average number of obstacles, challenges, or…


Sometimes it feels as though I “should” be doing more to get the Light out there in to the world… Write more! Heal more! Meditate more! Talk more! Share more! Do my metaphysical mojo thing more! Participate in and/or lead community gatherings … or discussions… or activities more! More! More! Whatever it is … just…

Who do you aspire to be…

Who do you aspire to become if you are already Light? Aspiring to be something other than who you are is denial. It is ego. It is division. It is the epitome of duality. It is why you do not recognize yourself for who you (already) are. Rid yourself of this concept of separation, of…

Signs and Portents

When walking around the neighborhood, I’ll often see feathers lying on the ground. A couple times, they’ve even floated from the skies, landing directly in my path. I take these feathers as a “sign” – as a reminder of my Divine side – as a reminder that there is more to our physicality than just…

Silence within the Noise

Noise. All the noise. Everywhere. There’s somebody cutting their lawn, another neighbor pressure washing something, down the block there are trees being trimmed, there’s the inevitable traffic noises reaching our ears from the nearby roadway… some rock music appears randomly… maybe shreds of the announcements from a local school for their at-home game are carried…