A Blessing…

Posted on October 4, 2007 By

For those of you who visit here, and those of you who wish to receive it, …



May the Light shine brightly upon you this day.
Artwork / Image (c) 2007 One Mystical Monkey. All rights reserved.

Creative Corner

Reiki Principles

Posted on October 3, 2007 By

Just for today Kyo dake wa

  • Don’t get angry Okoru na
  • Don’t worry Shinpai su na
  • Be grateful Kansha shite
  • Work hard Gyo wo hage me
  • Be kind to others Hito ni shinsetsu ni

I can not help but to laugh at myself and at how long it has taken to get these five principles posted! I was thinking of giving a brief explanation of Reiki, adding some personal experiences as a healer, maybe a little background on Reiki, or posting the principles as a nice graphic… but some days, it’s more important just to get the essence of a thing accomplished than to let one’s own ego and humanity obsess over the details. Like with Reiki itself, this is not about “me”, it is about Reiki itself. There is a blessing in here somewhere for at least one of you! More on Reiki will be posted another time. These principles can certainly stand on their own! Enjoy.

Namaste, laughing at myself and putting ego back where it belongs!

Healing & Wholeness

Armchair Activism

Posted on September 29, 2007 By

Activism, true activism -whether political, humanitarian or environmental- comes from a sensitivity to imbalance on the planet. True activism comes from a pure, feeling heart. It is a ‘hurt’ we feel, and it is this empathetic pain which provides the incentive to help others -not according to our own personal beliefs or judgments necessarily, but because some other part of ourself (whether human, animal or the Planet herself) is hurting and needs our help to heal, to be protected or be provided for.



Definitions: Namaste

Posted on September 27, 2007 By


I use this a lot in my articles and communications, usually as a farewell greeting. Although in the Western world ‘Namaste’ is often associated with things ranging from Ayurveda to yoga or even to vegetarianism, it is Hindu in origin and translates to “The God in me recognizes and honors the God in you” (or something very similar). It is a Mudra (symbolic gesture) as well as a Mantra (a repeated syllable or series of syllables conveying a particular, usually spiritual, concept). It is pronounced “Namastay”, and is a common greeting of courtesy in Hindu culture.

The Mudra involves brings both hands together in a ‘prayer position’ at the heart with a slight bow of the head. Variations on the gesture include bringing the hands to the third eye area (center of the forehead) to indicate a deep respect or reverence for the person being greeted, and just over the head to the area of the crown chakra – an enhancement reserved for only the most Holy.

The Sanskrit version of ‘Namaste’ is ‘Namaskar’ translating literally to “I bow to you”, and in Japanese culture this greeting is known as gassho.


Monkey Feathers

Posted on September 26, 2007 By

fallingfeather.pngFeathers, feathers, feathers! Everywhere lately I’ve been seeing feathers! They have been floating all around and Guides keep tickling me with them… I feel them curled on my back yearning to stretch out, wanting to take me on whatever journey lies ahead! Feathers. Everywhere there are feathers – light, fluffy, magical, astral, metaphysical, physical, highly symbolic feathers!


Evolution to LightMonkey business

Little Choice

Posted on September 25, 2007 By

A common malady of our modern culture seems to be that many of us feel trapped and out of control of our lives, our situations – even our moods. We feel that we’ve become out of touch with nature, with each other, with the more spiritual aspects of existence. Very often -too often- in daily life we may hear (or say) something to the effect of “I had no choice” about a certain situation, decision or action. But how accurate is that statement, that thought, that belief – that excuse?

ManifestingNudges & Ponderings

Avalokiteśvara Mantra

Posted on September 24, 2007 By

AvalokiteÅ›vara (Sanskrit), known in many forms including that of Chenrezig (Tibetan) and Quan-Yin (Chinese), is the Boddhisattva Buddha of Compassion. According to Mahayana tradition, AvalokiteÅ›vara, after witnessing the suffering of beings here opted to postpone his own full Enlightenment until all sentient beings had been liberated from samsara (the illusion of the physical world; the cycle of birth-suffering-death-rebirth). He is often depicted with 1,000 hands and 11 heads to help him with this task. The all-encompassing “Om Mani Padme Hum” mantra is often attributed to him, as are the Lotus Sutra and the Diamond Sutra texts.


Equinox 9/23/07

Posted on September 23, 2007 By


Sept. 23, 2007: The Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere is the astronomical ushering in of Fall. It is one of two days in the annual cycle where the sun may be observed directly over the Earth’s Equator, and day and night hours are of nearly the same duration. It is a time of balance in the Heavens between day and night, a transition from the long, light, warm days to the darker, cooler days of Autumn, and a time of thanks-giving for crops now full and ready for harvest. It is a time of recognition and reverence for the seasonal cycle and the coming colder, darker days of Winter. It is a time of reflection upon the bounty provided us, a time of thankfulness for the light and warmth which has shined upon us and a time to prepare for the next turn of the seasons. It is a homecoming of sorts – a return to the heart and hearth. A time to gather together: the gathering of the harvest, the gathering of friends and family. It is time for the blessings to be reaped and shared, a time of activity, of joy and celebration.

There are all kinds of symbolism and meanings from a wide variety of religions and beliefs attached to this day or those around it, but whatever your perspective on the equinox, it provides a good opportunity for self-reflection…

  • What things are you gathering to you? What are you manifesting? When did you sow those seeds?
  • How has balance shown upon you this past season? How will balance affect you in the coming months?
  • For which things are you thankful, and which blessings are shining upon you now? What do you have to celebrate?

May this day find you balanced and Blessed…

Nudges & Ponderings

All in our head?

Posted on September 22, 2007 By

Most of us have ailments or physical complaints that seem to sneak up on us once in a while. Sometimes they are nothing more than a seasonal cold or allergy, sometimes it’s a broken bone, or sometimes it may be something even more severe. It’s part of being in the physical world… Isn’t it?


Healing & WholenessManifesting


Posted on September 21, 2007 By

Driven to evolve.
To find the Way,
Appearing at just the right time
and exactly the right place,
Meeting those things which match,
Which enhance and validate
and synchronize.

It is beyond “me”.
It is beyond “you”.
It is all of us.
It is all times,
All places,
All circumstance.

It is One.
It is Many.
It is Few.
It is All.
It is None.

It is Everything.
It is Nothing.
It is all of us.
It is none of us.
It is One.

We are One.


(c) 2007 One Mystical Monkey. All rights reserved


We are all driven to walk the Path. Some find it and follow it deliberately and consciously. Some are drawn to it naturally, the effect of many lives treading the similar route. Others attempt to disregard it, dismiss it, or ‘prove’ it according to scientific means. But we are all drawn to it, regardless of our current beliefs. This Path is not one that can (yet) be proven sufficiently for the logical minds among us, nor is it something we can necessarily touch or taste or see – except for the acts that we accomplish while following our Path(s). It is the Path of the Heart, the Path of Love and Compassion and Understanding and Wholeness. The understanding that we are joined together as One reality, One entity, working together for the evolution of the Planet and for all BEings who live here, including ourselves (ourself).

Each of us walks the Path a little differently – some fast, some more slowly. Some may take leaping bounds and appear to end up miles ahead while others may take a detour or opt for a scenic route. But we all follow it at our own pace, and the Universe has a way of putting us exactly where we need to be, at exactly the right time, to learn the lessons we need to learn for our own ultimate evolution to the Light.

Have faith in the Light, in the Universe, in the essence of One. It is the Path of Love.


Creative CornerEvolution to Light