Intrinsic Nature & Separation

Posted on March 28, 2007 By

Aaaaaah… as a bug goes across my computer screen and I automatically go to smash it, the question of the day: What is our intrinsic nature as human beings? What is our base nature? Are we tainted, or are we pure? Are we physical or are we spiritual? Are we both? Are we neither?

This is a topic many monks, priests, and other spiritual leaders have contemplated over the centuries, and depending upon who you ask, you’re likely to receive a wide variety of answers. In my limited experience and explorations of such things, I believe that humans are intrinsically good and that we are not inherently tainted or evil. Despite our materialistic society and pressures for the physical, we are spiritual beings. Yes, we are Spiritual beings!

Our world has it backwards – we are not physical beings with a soul, but spiritual beings with a body! We have gotten so enmeshed in our physical sensations and society, perhaps, that we have forgotten our true nature and calling -so enmeshed that some have become overwhelmed and reacted violently (literally) to the stimuli and chaos of the physical world- but we remain spiritual beings nonetheless. Somewhere along the line, our species started to “forget” this little truth. As time went on and more of us forgot our spiritual basis, our physical cultures twisted the reality around further, separating man from “God” with rules and dogma and ritual.

After centuries of fostering this separation from spirit, our world, our people, is sick – heartbroken. Why? Because we have lost the connection with our true spirit. We have allowed ourselves to be separated from truth and from each other. If we do not recognize our neighbor as an expression of the same higher power from which we came, it is easier to harm him in word or deed, ultimately enforcing the vicious “un-spiritual” cycle. If we do not recognize ourselves as expressions of the ultimate spirit, it is easier to fall into the materialistic physical trap; Easier to fall prey to our own anger and jealousy and ego-trips. Sounds like fun, doesn’t it? What does that say about us, about the state of our world?

Ironically (and fortunately), we are beginning to reach out for each other through the technology that once served to separate us. Online communities of all kinds are all over the internet! Yes, some of them are absolutely overrun with emphasis on the physical (or is it the virtual?) and inundated with egos of all kinds. Yes, sometimes the technology that brings us together also makes it easier to forget there’s another human being across the world who is going to see your unnecessarily harsh response to a post. Nonetheless, we are reaching out to each other. We are reaching out across the world to each other in an attempt to reconnect with our species. Reaching out at a time when our immediate physical surroundings may seem overwhelming. But we are reaching out, and that is an amazing step in the right direction. At the same time that we are reaching out for each other across the internet, many folks are also beginning to realize and explore their spiritual side. Yaaaay us!!

And as we continue to reach out for each other and continue to realize our spiritual nature, our species is starting to evolve. We are changing ourselves and our world, for the better. And although I haven’t completely curbed my impulses to smash bugs, sometimes, just sometimes, my karma is spared a tiny bit from inflicting pain on another expression of spirit (I missed the bug).


MetaphysicsNudges & PonderingsSpirituality

  1. Barbara says:

    I have to say you’re description of us as spiritual beings encased in flesh rings far truer to me then the reverse notion. And although I recognize this is not a new concept, that I’ve heard this before, I admit that the reminder is akin (to me at any rate) to opening up the windows wide to a beautiful spring day after a long, dreary winter. All those things which had been mentally weighing me down seem far lighter to bare all of a sudden knowing that they are part of a learning process rather then some burden placed on me” just because”.

    It also makes me a little ashamed, thinking back, to the way I have at times reacted to whatever percieved stress I was going through and the way I have lashed out at those around me (i.e. my poor kids and husband) as a result. I can only believe that these reactions don’t just have a negative reaction as we understand it, but further help isolate the “target spirit” by enhancing the sense of not being understood, heard or accepted. And this to people who I, by all accounts, hold near and dear to my heart! Is it any wonder then, that our society has become so disconnected, and as a result that we’ve in many ways lost the ability to understand each other, the patience to hear what other have to say, the desire to learn from them?

    So yes, thank goodness for a chance to reconnect. And although the internet is an imperfect medium (how often have my comments been mis-understood because of a lack of verbal inflection?), we are indeed reaching out, desperatly trying to reconnect. I realise that there will be those yelling about the horrible uses people have found for the internet. And yes, I agree 100% with that. But that’s all a part of the disconnectedness we’ve found ourselves in, the inability to recognize that like us, ALL OTHER LIVING BEINGS are also spiritual beings first and formost. On the upside to the internet, I can honestly say that I’ve met some increadible people on-line and have even been fortunate enough to name some as friends even though we’ve never seen each other face to face (and in some case probably never will). What a wonderful thing to have had that chance! To have gotten to know and cherish as friends those wonderful spirits!

    I could go on endlessly about this. In the end, I guess, I’m just greatful for the gentle reminder of who and what I truely am. And for having such wonderful friends as teachers.

    Thank you.

  2. Nancy says:

    Do you think you could stand up on the roof tops and yell this loudly so everyone could hear?
    Oh wait, you posted it on internet…
    that’s sort of the same idea isn’t it?*giggle*
    -catching up on some of your “oldies but goodies”

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