Means and Ends

Posted on June 24, 2009 By

In my last post, I stated that the U.S. Federal Government seems to see itself as some kind of babysitter for all mankind. What I didn’t mention was that in order to secure this role for current and future generations, it is currently quite busy making power grabs in just about all aspects of our…

Where, Oh Where has the Monkey gone?

Posted on June 10, 2009 By

This Monkey has not been terribly Mystical lately, and has been living and being distracted by the physical life – overwhelmed by our (U.S.) political situation and been utterly astounded to see the rearing and roaring head of Socialism in what is… was… is supposed to be the seat of Freedom and Independence. Yes, politics…

A Beautiful World

Posted on June 8, 2009 By

With all the deceit and manipulation going on in the physical world these days, it seems very appropriate to post this immediately on the heels of the last video and to blast a bit more Light and Love back into the world! Namaste, and Always with Light and Love, – OMM.

Wave of Love

Posted on June 2, 2009 By

enjoy! Namaste, -OMM.